
A spooky Indie Game Developer

that makes games that are not (usually) that spooky


Who Is Ghostclef

It’s me, Adam!

I have a history of making games as a hobbyist since the game dev bug bit me back in 2005. In those days it was Adobe Flash and Actionscript that enabled me to bring my ideas to life. I originally learned Java in high school (at the time this was a big deal) and I got an early understanding of OOP. That helped the Actionscript come easier and I made a ton of stuff I was pretty proud of.

Then as we know, flash died hard, and around then I got more involved with my day work (I worked in education & philanthropy doing admin & consulting for another decade plus) and fell off game dev. A couple years ago Unity caught my attention, and I started daydreaming of game development again with some small projects. I took the plunge this year to head to school and try to make it a full-time gig.

I’ve got some Unity reps and good education under my belt and I definitely work much better when I’m collaborating with people, so get in touch if that’s a thing you want to do! I’m hungry to continue down this road and keep making games.