How to build a ghost

Getting started in game dev is intimidating, especially as a person no longer in their twenties. I wouldn’t have thought twice about this myself before getting started, but I can’t count the number of times I’ve told folks about my goals for breaking into the industry and making my own indie projects, and the response is “wow, at your age! That’s fantastic!”

I’m 36, by the way.

If that’s impressive, that’s cool I guess. But I don’t feel any less capable than I was in my twenties. Maybe a bit less time to spare and energy for long hours, but that hardly changes much. I definitely don’t feel ready to be rolled into the grave just yet. I’m just surprised at how popular a response it is from people.

I do feel a bit of regret that I didn’t keep pursuing this sooner. Game dev is definitely my passion - by this point in my life I feel very secure in knowing that after playing, building, and analyzing games for my whole adult life, it’s not something I’m going to get tired of. When I was younger I definitely was worried about spoiling my energy for games by getting into game dev - in general, hobbies and the day job were to be kept really separate. I kept dipping my toe into development and getting scared off by one thing or another.

A big part of it was actually talking to folks already in the industry and so many of them being devastated by crunch, long hours, terrible job security. Several of them were already so haggard by it they just said deadpan “Don’t do what I do”.

I still worry about that, but I guess now I worry more about the regret I’d feel if I don’t at least try. So my family has dropped to one income for a bit and we’re on a shoestring and our savings while I throw everything I have at this. Even if everything tanks I’ll be glad to remove that regret from my mind.

Anyway, watch this space - I plan on making some cool stuff and sharing the development process here a bit.


The Cozy Library, Pt. 1 - Concept & Design